Hello! I’m Meg

Happy-go-lucky, professional, ambitious, dedicated and determined

I have a severe case of wanderlust and enjoy the beauty in life's little moments. I have a passion for learning and pushing myself. I fell in love with photography and the ability it gave me to capture the world through my own eyes and create lasting memories.  Since, then I have never looked back.

I am also a wife to a hardworking, supportive and down right doting husband, and a mom to the most handsome little boy in the world. I might be just a tad bit bias but am far too smitten with them both to care.

Another fun fact about me is that I started my career as a Pharmacist with volunteer firefighting as a way to give back to the community and photography as my creative outlet. Over the years, my interest and love for taking pictures has only grown. It because such a love and passion that I have taken it to the next level which is why you are here reading this right now!

I look forward to working with you and am delighted with the opportunity to capture your unforgettable life moments.

"completely and perfectly incandescently happy"

- Jane Austin


I am 1000% a summer girl. I love the heat, sunshine, farmers markets and the water. On my days off you can find me hiking up a mountain with my little sidekick or hanging out by a beach, lake or pool. One of my favorite Maine hikes is Tumbledown. I love climbing then taking a dip at the top.

Bucket list items? I really want to go offshore fishing for tuna. Scuba diving with sharks, Surfing in Hawaii, go zip lining in the rainforest, try sorbing, learn to make some amazing beers and to successfully grow a garden. That last one might seem easy but for those of you that don't know me, I might have the blackest thumb out there.

Let's get in


Enough about me. It is time for me to hear about you! Please message me any of your questions, your plans or your visions. I want to hear it all and am here to help!